Online Community
Shape the future of museums with us!
Join an international community of the most groundbreaking museum professionals who all want change to happen.
- Browse the latest forward-thinking news of museums
- Expand your network tremendously
- Train yourself to new museum practices
a community of +2000 museum changemakers working towards better futures.
As a result of a long journey of physical events and local gatherings, We Are Museums opened its online platform in March 2020 for more international gatherings, game-changing conversations and industry-challenge solving.

Today, it gathers a global community of +1500 museum change-makers working towards a future good for people and the planet fueled by social and technological innovations. It became a crossroad for different projects and networks. Together, we are shaping every day what is this place – but what we know, is that it is ours.

On the online community, you will find an active community sharing resources, discussing key topics and news of the museum sector and meeting online weekly. But more than this, you will feel this strong sense of togetherness and belonging, just like if we were all neighbours and could easily go and share a coffee.
Today, the fields of discussion and exchange of the community revolve around the environmental, health and social crises, how museums are redefining their collections, understanding and fostering the development of new immersive technologies in museums, creating a symbiotic relationship between museums and their neighbours, and of course, learning how to envision better futures.
A big thank you to our volunteer team who look after the community on a daily basis
Join the online community
We Are Museums offers its online community as a free-service for museum professionals who already joined one of our events, know someone from the community or is simply working in a museum and wishing to join forces!